
  • People live in their own paradigms. And at work, because of bureaucracy, unwanted procedures, standards and alliances created a long time ago, it is really hard to adopt an innovative, creative approach. In EC we have facilitators who are able to get the participants out of their collective and individual blocking thought patterns, and plan innovative changes for the better.

Design and Planning

  • Even the best architect sometimes needs to work with their customer in such a manner as to make sure that the final product will be accepted. Similarly, EC consultants conduct their workshops together with their customer’s employees (top management, project groups, rank-and-file employees, etc.) so as to jointly determine the most significant aspects of the company’s functioning (e.g. a brand promise, customer experience at every touch point, customer relationship processes, work procedures and standards).
  • Sometimes you need to transform certain ideas into concrete action plans. We use the tools of strategic and operating planning which enable us to construct a detailed course of action aiming at the realization of particular visions, goals, ideas or tasks.


  • How many companies only claim to have a strategy... And in how many cases even top management representatives asked about their corporate strategy answer a completely different question... Does it mean they do not have it? No! There is always a strategy. Even a lack of strategy is a strategy in fact. The trouble is that a strategy should be well-thought-out, commonly understood and accepted, and that it should be a strategy of success, not failure.
  • EC consultants are business people. Therefore, our strategic workshops always have a practical and strictly business dimension. Interestingly enough, the concepts like Mission, Vision or Strategy turn out to be quite simple, and even entrancing and encouraging to be implemented.